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Three things that could determine the outcome of the Nigerian-Nigerian war are budget, weapons, and who will win

  • Nigeria and the Republic of Niger might plunge into a heated war following the military takeover of the latter
  • Leader of ECOWAS, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu of Nigeria, has threatened a military invasion of Niger if its military junta does not step down
  • President Tinubu has already written to the Nigerian Senate seeking approval to deploy Nigerian troops to Niger

Nigeria and the Republic of Niger might lock horns a couple of weeks from now if a peace accord is not met in due time.

On Wednesday, July 26, General Abdourahamane Tchiani overthrew President Mohammed Bazoum in a bloodless that has been heavily criticised in many parts of the world.

Nigeria, Niger, Military, War
The Nigerian military strength supersedes that of the Republic of Niger in all dimensions. Photo Credit: @OfficialABAT/Twiter, Christopher Pillitz, and Télé Sahel/AFP
Source: Getty Images

ECOWAS, on the other hand, has made attempts to reach a resolution of peace with the military juntas in Niger and all to no avail.

Chairman of ECOWAS and President of Nigeria, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has already reached out to the Senate for approval to carry out military intervention.

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In this short piece, five critical factors have been analysed if Niger and Nigerian were to engage in military combat.

1. Military Ranking

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According to Global Firepower rankings of 2023, the Nigerian military is ranked 36 globally, while the Nigerian army ranks 119.

Nigeria is ranked number four on the African Scene, and Niger is ranked number 25.

2. Military Personel

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Nigeria's total military personnel is 215,000, with an active personnel of 135,000. Nigeria has more than 85,000 personnel fit for service and 80,000 paramilitaries.

Meanwhile, Niger Republic can only boast of 13,000 military personnel, which is not up to 15 per cent of the Nigerian army personnel.

Niger has an active personnel of just 10,000 and zero reserves.

3. Defence Budget

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Regarding finances, Niger is no match for Nigeria as its defence budget supersedes its West African neighbour.

Nigeria has a defence budget of over $3 billion, while its West African neighbour Niger has a defence budget of just $287 million.

Nigeria's purchasing power parity is over $1 trillion, while that of Niger is just $28 billion.

4. Armed Artillery

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As of 2023, Nigeria has 177 tanks, while Niger has zero. Nigeria has 15,748 armoured vehicles, while Niger has just 728.

Nigeria's self-propelled artillery is 30 now, while Niger has none.

Similarly, Nigeria's towed artillery is 338, while Niger has none. Nigeria's rocket projectors are 37, while Niger has none.

5. Air Power

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Nigeria has 144 combat aircraft, comprising 14 fighter jets, 28 trainer jets, 52 helicopters, six special mission jets and others.

On the part of the Republic of Niger, they have just 16 military aircraft.

Coup D’état: Senators Respond to Tinubu’s Request for Military Invasion of Niger

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Meanwhile, at least 90 per cent of the Nigeria Senate has rejected President Bola Ahmed Tinubu's request to invade the Republic of Niger.

This is on the heels of the military coup in the neighbouring West African nation on Wednesday, July 26.

On Saturday, August 5, the Nigerian senators urged President Tinubu to focus more on salvaging insecurity in Nigeria.

Source: Legit.ng


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Author: Heather Santana

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Name: Heather Santana

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Introduction: My name is Heather Santana, I am a Open, welcoming, honest, tenacious, dear, courageous, esteemed person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.