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Greetings from a new era in employee and vendor payments

Raising transaction limits

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In addition to having more submission windows during which to send transactions, businesses can now benefit from higher transaction limits.

This increase helps ensure that recipients get access to larger amounts faster — without having to wait because transactions exceed dollar limits.

Expanding payment options

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Modern Treasury

ACH offers several payment options, depending on your business needs. Most banks charge a flat rate for a set number of transactions per month and an additional fee for any transactions over the limit.

If your number of transactions varies a lot from month to month, you may want to consider a pay-as-you-go option, now offered by some banks. As the name implies, this payment method charges merchants a fee for each transaction — with no monthly flat rate and no limits.

Going digital

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ACH payments provide a convenient way to pay compared with paper checks, which can be lost or stolen and may need to be deposited in person. And now, with faster delivery options, new ways to pay and higher limits, these digital payment solutions can give your business even more flexibility and control.

For more information about ACH Payment Services and our pay-as-you-go plan, speak with a Chase Payments Advisor.

Standard ACH, Same-day ACH and Real-time payment transactions each count toward your total daily limits for transaction amounts.

Real-time payments: Your payment generally arrives moments after you send it. We review all payments before we process them, and we may require additional information which could cause some delay. If you use Chase dual control, we will begin to process your payment, once an authorized user approves it. Enrollment in ACH Payment Services is required to activate real-time payments. There is a fee of 1% of the payment amount, up to $25 per transaction for a real-time payment. Real-time payments are unavailable from 2-6 AM ET on business days and cannot be cancelled or reversed, once processing begins. Not all payees’ banks support real-time payments. Real-time payments use The Clearing House network to process payments and are not subject to Nacha rules and are not ACH transactions.

Same-day ACH payments: Your payment generally arrives by end of day, when authorized before the 2:00 PM ET cut-off. Most payments scheduled after the 2:00 PM Cut-off time will arrive the next business day by 1:00 PM ET. We review all payments before we process them, and we may require additional information which could cause some delay. If you use Chase dual control, we will begin to process your payment, once an authorized user approves it. Enrollment in ACH Payment Services is required. There is a fee of 1% of the payment amount, up to $25 per transaction for a Same-day ACH payment. Same-day ACH payment delivery is available during business days only. Final availability of the funds is subject to the recipient’s financial institution.  Same-day ACH payments are subject to Nacha rules.

Standard ACH allows you to send electronic payments to your vendors and employees. Standard ACH payments must be approved by 8:00 PM ET and arrival time is dependent on your payee type; payments to business accounts (vendor payees) as early as  1 business day and payments to personal accounts (employee payees) as early as 2 business days. Standard ACH payments authorized after the cutoff time will be processed the next business day. You can cancel a Standard ACH as long as you do so before the 8:00 PM ET cutoff time.  We review all payments before we process them, and we may require additional information which could cause some delay.  Standard ACH payments are subject to Nacha rules.

Additional information including transaction limits can be viewed in “Learn more” within the Business Payment Center.

For informational/educational purposes only: The views expressed in this article may differ from those of other employees and departments of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Views and strategies described may not be appropriate for everyone and are not intended as specific advice/recommendation for any individual. Information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but JPMorgan Chase & Co. or its affiliates and/or subsidiaries do not warrant its completeness or accuracy. You should carefully consider your needs and objectives before making any decisions and consult the appropriate professional(s). Outlooks and past performance are not guarantees of future results.

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. ©2023 JPMorgan Chase & Co.


Article information

Author: Nicole Jones

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Author information

Name: Nicole Jones

Birthday: 1955-08-12

Address: 270 Kiara Park Apt. 074, Jillbury, HI 03205

Phone: +4447356832734584

Job: Civil Engineer

Hobby: Card Collecting, Tea Brewing, Quilting, Juggling, Rowing, Calligraphy, Astronomy

Introduction: My name is Nicole Jones, I am a Colorful, dedicated, steadfast, unyielding, accomplished, apt, rare person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.